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- Today in The serious bit we discuss a strange affliction which certain
- people suffer from.This disability is known as CAPSLOCKON syndrome and
- it affects the mind.A clinic was set up to help these strange breed of
- people on a small island 5 miles from land.The sufferer must remain on
- this island for a period of 1 year and type articles for diskzines.Today
- one sufferer tells his story,this person would like to remain anonymous
- so we will call him.....Peter,and this is his story.
- SEPTEMBER 12 1991
- I am a CAPSLOCKONER who tried to find help.I knew I shouldn't have typed
- in CAPSLOCK (TM) but I just couldn't stop.It all started when I first
- got my Amiga,I loved the red light which shone brightly from the CAPSLOCK
- key.My addiction grew from this and I started to just press CAPSLOCK when
- I played my favourite games,Text only adventures.Now I JUST CAN'T STOP
- After this sorry outburst Peter was locked in extreme isolation,but in
- his mind he was looking at the CAPSLOCK key sitting on the left of his
- keyboard,coloured grey.Peter killed himself after 2 weeks in keyboard
- isolation.
- When we talked to the extreme cases of the disease we discovered they
- had no fingers on their left hands.Terry was one of these people...
- "Well since the operation I have felt much better and have not tried
- to kill myself by french-kissing the electric socket for my T.V. I
- once tried to hypnotise myself with the help of a local Diskzine but
- alas it failed.""Now that my fingers were surgically removed I can
- live like normal users again,I feel the treatment was well worth the
- doctors fee of five thousand pounds."
- Well there we see 2 sides of the plague.Now heres another side....
- A Dublin based terrorist organisation known as S.F.A. began an
- offensive on all Diskzines nearby.They hold Diskzine writers at
- gunpoint and force them to write with CAPSLOCKON.The victims then
- repent their sins and kill themselves with shame.However one writer
- did escape alive his name was..well he couldn't think of a decent
- name at the moment but I'm sure he will by the end of the article,
- well he survived and wrote 2 other articles without the CAPSLOCKON
- and revealed to a friend of his that he had written 2 articles in
- CAPSLOCKON and it was an `accident'.
- His name was.....
- PETER (Well hell if you can't think of a good short name use the one
- you've had all your life)